Who we are?

We are a Mexican company founded in 1965 and since then we have participated in the industrialization of our country collaborating with national and foreign leading companies in the achievement of their plans, challenges and projects.

Our results-oriented training allows us to partner with our clients in their timely completion, cost, safety and quality assurance objectives.

What we do:

  • Integral development in construction projects.
  • Construction of new plants, adjustments or improvements in areas of process and operation.
  • Relocation of plants.
  • Engineering development.

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Provide Engineering and Construction services that meet or exceed the expectations of our customers in quality, opportunity, safety and price. Optimize the human, material and technical resources in a proactive environment directed to results, maintaining a process of continuous improvement, permanently looking for the excellence of our company.

Comply with government regulations and be an agent of change in our society, generating real opportunities for professional and economic growth to our staff and certainty to our suppliers.

Maintain an ecological balance and maximize the profits that satisfy our shareholders and guarantee a healthy and permanent growth.


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  • We carry out work with construction procedures adhering to national and international standards.
  • Security is a fundamental value of the company and is jealously supervised in the development of the construction.
  • The correct budget control allows us to efficiently carry out the work program that has been designed.
  • It is the commitment of our departments of purchases and services to obtain the best quality and prices in the market, this effort directly benefits your project.
  • The leadership and experience of the construction staff oriented to quality jobs.
